Our team

Our team consists of professionals with an extensive experience of solving complex tasks
  • Мikhail Spiridonov
    Founder & Director
    Mikhail is the founder of 2PiR.Consulting. He established the company's main values and goals. He united the team and developed the unique skills of each team member. Mikhail has gained a profound experience in IT, FinTech and E-commerce. Besides individual projects, Mikhail was also leading the IT department of a private bank for many years. He is a recognised expert in the execution of IT products, business advisory and project management.

  • Julia Shmagina
    Head of Legal
    Julia holds a law degree in the Russian Federation, obtained a certificate in cyber law, completed additional studies in the laws of the EU at the University in Bonn, Germany. Julia advises on general legal issues (corporate, contract, personal data, employment, IT issues etc.). During her career, Julia has also participated in various international projects and structuring of cross-border transactions. She has more than 10 years of consulting experience, including working for different foreign law firms and one of the audit companies of the Big4. She is the author of numerous legal publications.
    Foreign languages: English, German and French.
Our experts
A unique experience and an extensive background
  • Nikodim Dyachek
    Software Development Expert
    Nikodim has unique expertise in the development of payment gateways, accounting systems and other transactional high-load software.
  • Alexander Gavrikov
    Information Security partner
    Alexander is responsible for information security, including its areas such as PCI DSS certification and setting up and auditing payment fraud prevention systems.
  • Julia Kuznetsova
    Business Analyst
    Julia's main activity is the analysis of clients' business processes and the formalization of business requirements when it is required to develop a software product.